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Aetna Better Health of Virginia (Medicaid) is a KidsHealth Educational Partner

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You searched for: scari
  • What to Do if You Can't Sleep for Kids

    Are you having trouble sleeping? Find out how to get your ZZZZZs.

  • Storm Stress: Helping Kids Stay Calm for Parents

    Weather events like severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes can be a lot for kids to handle. Here's how to help children feel less stressed.

  • Going to the Hospital for Kids

    It may seem scary to go to a hospital, but doctors and nurses are there to help people who are sick or hurt feel better. Read our article for kids to find out what happens inside a hospital.

  • Subconjunctival Hemorrhage for Parents

    A subconjunctival hemorrhage is a red spot on the white of the eye. It can look scary, but is usually harmless, doesn’t hurt, and won’t affect vision.

  • What Sleep Is and Why All Kids Need It for Kids

    When you get a good night's sleep, it's like giving your body a tiny vacation. Find out the scoop on sleep in this article for kids.

  • Serious Allergic Reactions (Anaphylaxis) for Teens

    A person with severe allergies can be at risk for a sudden, serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. This reaction can seem scary, but the good news is it can be treated.

  • Toxic Synovitis for Parents

    Read about this temporary inflammation of the hip joint that affects young children.

  • Serious Allergic Reactions (Anaphylaxis) for Parents

    Kids with severe allergies can be at risk for a sudden, serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. The good news is that when treated properly, anaphylaxis can be managed.

  • Thunderstorms for Kids

    Thunderstorms scare some kids. Find out how to tackle this fear and stay safe.

  • How to Heal After Trauma for Teens

    A trauma is any event that’s deeply upsetting, scary, or harmful. It can cause you to fear for your life or safety. Here’s how to help handle the stress, get support, and find ways to cope.

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