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Aetna Better Health of Virginia (Medicaid) is a KidsHealth Educational Partner

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You searched for: nutrition-label-video
  • Smart Snacking for Teens

    Find out how eating nutritious snacks throughout the day can keep your energy level high and your mind alert.

  • Medicines: Using Them Safely for Parents

    Giving kids medicine safely can be complicated. Here's how you can help treat your child's illness while you prevent dangerous reactions.

  • Allergies for Teens

    Your eyes itch, your nose is running, you're sneezing, and you're covered in hives. The enemy known as allergies has struck again.

  • Food Portions: How Much Should I Eat? for Teens

    Lots of us don't realize we're eating too much because we've become so used to large portions. This article for teens helps you take control of your plate.

  • Celiac Disease for Teens

    People who have celiac disease, a disorder that makes their bodies react to gluten, can't eat certain kinds of foods. Find out more - including what foods are safe and where to find them.

  • Sports Supplements for Parents

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. But there aren't enough long-term studies to know if they're safe for teens.

  • Sports Supplements for Teens

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. Lots of people who want to improve their performance have questions about how supplements work and whether they're safe.

  • Peanut Allergy for Parents

    If your child is allergic to nuts or peanuts, it's essential to learn what foods might contain them and how to avoid them.

  • Egg Allergy for Teens

    Living with an egg allergy means you have to be aware of what you're eating and read food labels carefully. Here are some tips for teens who have an egg allergy.

  • Food Allergies for Teens

    Doctors are diagnosing more and more people with food allergies. Knowing what to expect and how to deal with food allergies can make a big difference in preventing serious illness.

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