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You searched for: weight'-matter
  • I'm Skinny, So Does It Matter What I Eat? for Teens

    Foods that are high in fat and calories and low in nutrition can be bad for your health, even if you're skinny.

  • Memory Matters for Kids

    You have memories, but how do they form and stay in your brain? Find out in this article for kids.

  • Assertiveness for Teens

    Assertiveness is the ability to speak up for yourself in a way that is honest and respectful. But it doesn't come naturally to everyone. Find out if you're too passive, too aggressive, or just assertive enough.

  • Talking to Kids About Race and Racism for Parents

    Race and the harmful effects of racism are common topics of conversation for some families. Other parents, though, might talk about racism and discrimination with their kids rarely, or not at all.To help put an end to racism, everyone has to take an active role, no matter who they are.

  • Words to Know (Special Health Care Needs Glossary) for Parents

    This glossary defines terms on health care, government benefits, learning, legal and financial matters, and more.

  • Disasters: How to Help for Teens

    Many people find the best way to deal with the news of a tragedy is to help. Find out what you can do.

  • Sexual Violence and Rape: What You Need to Know for Teens

    Sexual violence is unwanted sexual behavior that is forced on someone. It can take many forms, including rape. Sexual violence and rape are never OK. Find out what to do and how to get help if you need it.

  • How to Live a Happy Life for Teens

    Research shows that just 10% of happiness depends on a person's situation. We actually have more control over happiness than we might think. Find out how.

  • What Is the Cerebral Cortex? for Kids

    Also known as gray matter, this term describes the brain's outer layer.

  • Stress Less Over Tests for Teens

    Find out how to handle the stress that comes with tests.