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  • About Recipes for Teens With Diabetes for Teens

    A diabetes educator and dietitian chose these recipes, but they're not just for people with diabetes. Almost anyone looking for nutritious meals and snacks can enjoy them.

  • Strains and Sprains for Parents

    Sprains and strains are common injuries, especially for kids who play hard or are into sports.

  • Hemophilia: Handling Bleeds for Parents

    Kids with hemophilia can bleed easily or longer than normal. So it's important for parents to know how to handle bleeding when it happens.

  • Collecting a Stool Sample for Testing for Parents

    Stool tests often require a parent to collect a sample of their child’s poop at home. Here's how to do it.

  • Strains and Sprains for Teens

    Sprains and strains are common injuries, especially for people who play hard or are into sports. Find out what they are and how to recuperate from one.

  • Tampons, Pads, and Other Period Supplies for Teens

    When it comes to pads and tampons, there are lots of choices. It may take some experimenting before you find what works best for you. Here are some tips.

  • Black Eyes for Parents

    A black eye is bruising around the eyes that can look purple, black, or dark blue. Usually, they get better in a week or so.

  • Casts for Parents

    Casts keep bones and other tissues in place while they heal. Here's what to expect, and how to care for casts.

  • Casts for Kids

    Some injuries will heal best if a cast is used. Find out how they work and how to take care of them in this article for kids.

  • Rainy Day Fun for Parents

    Looking for ways to keep the kids entertained and off the couch when the weather's bad? These quick-and-easy ideas will keep them happy and busy.