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You searched for: school-violence
  • Gun Safety for Teens

    Every year, guns are used to kill or injure thousands of Americans. Here's how to keep yourself safe, whether your family has guns at home or not.

  • Coping When a Parent Has an Alcohol or Drug Problem for Teens

    Alcoholism causes anguish not only for the person who drinks, but for everyone who is involved with that person. But there are things you can do to help cope with the problems alcoholism creates in families.

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder for Teens

    Sometimes after experiencing a traumatic event, a person has a strong and lingering reaction known as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Getting treatment and support can make all the difference.

  • Medical Care and Your 13- to 18-Year-Old for Parents

    Regular visits help your teen's doctor keep track of changes in physical, mental, and social development. The doctor can also help your teen understand the importance of choosing a healthy lifestyle.

  • Helping Kids Deal With Bullies for Parents

    Unfortunately, bullying is a common part of childhood. But parents can help kids cope with it and lessen its lasting impact.

  • I'm Pregnant and in an Abusive Relationship. How Can I Get Out? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about posttraumatic stress disorder, and how to help students with PTSD.

  • Gun Safety for Parents

    Guns are in many homes, so they're a very real danger to kids, whether you own one or not. Learn how to talk with your kids about gun safety.

  • Coming Out for Teens

    Coming out (or not) is a personal choice that depends on you and your situation. Learn more in this article for teens.

  • Running Away for Kids

    Have you ever thought of running away? It can be a dangerous decision. Find out more in this article for kids.