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  • Sleep and Your 1- to 2-Year-Old for Parents

    Nighttime feedings may be a thing of the past, but in this second year of life your tot might be rising for other reasons. Learn more.

  • What to Do When You Feel Stressed for Kids

    Everybody gets stressed from time to time. This article for kids has some tips to try the next time you're stressed.

  • Outdoor Water Safety for Kids

    It's fun to spend hot days splashing around in a pool or the ocean. But it's important to learn how to be safe.

  • Skin, Hair, and Nails for Teens

    Our skin protects the network of tissues, muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels, and everything else inside our bodies. Hair and nails are actually modified types of skin.

  • Food Portions: How Much Should I Eat? for Teens

    Lots of us don't realize we're eating too much because we've become so used to large portions. This article for teens helps you take control of your plate.

  • Migraine Headaches for Parents

    Migraine headaches can cause severe pain and other symptoms. Read about migraine causes, treatments, prevention tips, and lots more.

  • Choosing Your Mood for Teens

    Choosing your mood means being in control of it instead of feeling like it's controlling you. Here are tips on how to create the right mood to help you succeed at what you're trying to do.

  • Bug Bites and Stings for Teens

    Generally, insect bites and stings are harmless. Find out how to keep pests from ruining your fun.