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You searched for: oral-contracept-a.n
  • Can I Get Pregnant From Oral Sex? for Teens

    It's not possible to get pregnant from oral sex alone.

  • Abstinence for Teens

    Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Abstinence also protects people against STDs.

  • Birth Control: What to Know for Teens

    Before having sex, it’s important to know about birth control and protecting against unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

  • Can Fingering or Oral Sex Cause an Infection? for Teens

    It’s possible to get an infection from “fingering” (sex that involves fingers) or oral sex. One sign may be if your genitals stay itchy, sore, or red.

  • Can Vaginal Cleaning Prevent Pregnancy? for Teens

    Some people clean their vagina after having sex to prevent pregnancy, but it won’t work. If you decide to have sex, use reliable birth control instead.

  • What Are Dental Dams? for Teens

    Find out about dental dams, square pieces of stretchy latex or a similar material that go over a woman's genitals when she receives oral sex.

  • When's the Best Time to Have Sex and Avoid Pregnancy? for Teens

    Having sex when you think it’s a "safe" time can lead to an unplanned pregnancy. It’s hard to know when you're least likely to become pregnant.

  • Could I Get Pregnant the First Time I Have Sex? for Teens

    Even if it’s someone’s first time having sex, it’s possible to become pregnant. Find out how and learn ways to help prevent it.

  • Can I Get Pregnant Through Anal Sex? for Teens

    Getting pregnant through anal sex is unlikely. A bigger concern is sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

  • Chlamydia for Teens

    Chlamydia is an STD that often has no symptoms, so lots of people can have it and not know it. Read this article to learn how to protect yourself.