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You searched for: kids-kitchen
  • Applesauce for Parents

    Learn how to make applesauce with this easy recipe!

  • After-School Snacks for Parents

    If your kids come in from school and head straight for the kitchen for something to eat, here's how to make sure they still have room for a healthy dinner.

  • Fire Safety for Parents

    Find out how to prevent - and be ready for - a fire in your home.

  • What to Do About Burns for Parents

    Scald burns from hot water and other liquids are the most common type of burn young kids get. Here's what to do if your child is burned.

  • Keeping Portions Under Control for Parents

    Waistlines have been expanding over the last few decades. Part of the problem is what we eat, but another is quantity. Are our plates simply piled too high?

  • Fighting Germs for Parents

    Bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa can cause disease. Here's how to help protect your family from germs.

  • Food Allergies and Travel for Teens

    Taking precautions and carrying meds are just part of normal life for someone who has a food allergy. Here are some tips on how to make travel also feel perfectly routine.

  • Asthma Triggers for Parents

    Triggers — things in the air, weather conditions, or activities — can cause asthma flare-ups. By knowing and avoiding triggers, you'll help lessen your child's asthma symptoms.

  • How to Safely Give Acetaminophen for Parents

    What kind? How much? How often? Find out how to give this pain and fever medicine.

  • Smart Toys for Every Age for Parents

    An age-wise guide on play and the toys that encourage learning, promote motor skill development, and spark imagination.