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You searched for: cast-f2q
  • How to Safely Give Ibuprofen for Parents

    What kind? How much? How often? Find out how to give this pain medicine.

  • Turkey Sliders for Kids

    Try these tasty mini-turkey burgers.

  • X-Ray Exam: Upper Leg (Femur) for Parents

    A femur X-ray can help find the cause of symptoms such as pain, limp, tenderness, swelling, or deformity of the upper leg. It can detect a broken bone, and after a broken bone has been set, it can help determine whether the bone is in alignment.

  • A to Z: Kohler's Disease for Parents

    Kohler's disease is a rare cause of foot pain that develops from temporary changes in bones in the feet as kids grow.

  • Words to Know (Cancer Glossary) for Kids

    Check out our cancer glossary for lots of easy-to-read definitions.

  • Breakfast Casserole for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids who need a gluten-free diet.

  • X-Ray Exam: Hand for Parents

    A hand X-ray can help doctors find the cause of pain, tenderness, swelling, and deformity. It also can detect broken bones or dislocated joints.

  • Common Childhood Orthopedic Conditions for Parents

    Flatfeet, toe walking, pigeon toes, bowlegs, and knock-knees. Lots of kids have these common orthopedic conditions, but are they medical problems that can and should be corrected?

  • X-Ray Exam: Ankle for Parents

    An ankle X-ray can help find the cause of symptoms such as pain, tenderness, and swelling, or deformity of the ankle joint. It can also detect broken bones or a dislocated joint.

  • Getting an X-Ray for Parents

    An X-ray is a safe and painless test that uses a small amount of radiation to make an image of bones, organs, and other parts of the body. Here's how they're done.