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You searched for: feelings-diabetes
  • Stressed About a Test? How to Cope for Kids

    If you feel stressed about a test, you’re not alone. You feel stressed because you care about doing well and you don’t want to do poorly. Here's what to do

  • Dealing With Difficult Emotions for Teens

    Negative emotions are impossible to avoid and everyone feels them from time to time. They may be difficult, but they don't have to be stressful. Find out how to deal with stressful feelings.

  • What to Do When You Feel Stressed for Kids

    Everybody gets stressed from time to time. This article for kids has some tips to try the next time you're stressed.

  • Someone in My Friend's Family Died. What Should I Do? for Kids

    Your friend probably feels a sadness called grief. People show their grief in different ways. They might need or want different things to help them feel better. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Managing Your Emotional Reactions for Teens

    People who do a good job of managing emotions know that it's healthy to express their feelings, but that it matters how they express them. Get tips in this article for teens.

  • Shyness for Teens

    Shyness is extremely common, especially among teens. But lots of mild to moderate shyness melts away with practice and familiarity, making social situations easier and easier to handle each time.

  • Is it Normal to Feel Sad After Having a Baby? for Parents

    During a baby's first few days of life, it's normal for moms to feel emotional highs and lows, often called the "baby blues."

  • Feeling Good About Yourself (Self-Esteem) for Kids

    Self-confidence and self-esteem are quiet inner strengths. They mean knowing you are a good person – someone who is likable, worthy, and capable.

  • Testicular Exams for Teens

    You may be wondering why the doctor needs to do a testicular exam. Find out in this article.

  • Your Child's Self-Esteem for Parents

    Kids with self-esteem feel liked, accepted, and confident. Here's how to build healthy self-esteem in your kids.