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  • Eyes for Parents

    The eyes are small compared with most of the body's other organs, but their structure is incredibly complex. Learn more about eyes, vision, and common problems with both.

  • Vaping: What You Need to Know for Teens

    E-cigarettes (or “vape pens”) heat a liquid until it becomes a vapor that's inhaled. Vape juice can contain nicotine or marijuana distillate or oil. Here are the facts on vaping and its many health risks.

  • Female Reproductive System for Teens

    Why do girls get periods? What goes on when a woman gets pregnant? What can go wrong with the female reproductive system? Find the answers to these questions and more in this article for teens.

  • Endocrine System for Teens

    The endocrine system influences almost every cell, organ, and function of our bodies. It is instrumental in regulating mood, growth and development, metabolism, and sexual function, among other things.

  • Endocrine System for Parents

    The glands of the endocrine system and the hormones they release affect almost every cell, organ, and function of our bodies.

  • Toxoplasmosis for Parents

    Toxoplasmosis is an infection that passes from animals to humans, sometimes without causing any symptoms. Learn more about this infection in this article for parents.

  • A to Z: Hydrocephalus for Parents

    Hydrocephalus (sometimes called "water on the brain") is a brain condition that happens when cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) is unable to drain from the brain.

  • Late Effects of Cancer and Cancer Treatment for Parents

    Long-term side effects, or late effects, happen to many cancer survivors. With early diagnosis and proper follow-up care, most late effects can be treated or cured.

  • Hydrocephalus for Parents

    Often called "water on the brain," hydrocephalus can cause babies' and young children's heads to swell to make room for excess cerebrospinal fluid. Learn how this condition is managed.

  • Your Brain & Nervous System for Kids

    Your brain is the boss of your body and runs the whole show. Learn more in this article for kids.