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You searched for: word-social-wonder
  • Online Safety for Parents

    The Internet is a wonderful resource, but access to it has its hazards for kids. Here's how to make sure your kids go online safely.

  • Treacher Collins Syndrome for Parents

    Treacher Collins syndrome (TCS) refers to a group of facial features that some babies are born with. TCS causes distinctive abnormalities of the head and face, but doesn't affect intelligence or lifespan.

  • Talking to Kids About Gun Violence for Parents

    When gun violence is in the news, kids might worry that it could happen to them or someone they love. Here's how to talk to them about it.

  • Finding Respite Care for Parents

    Finding that perfect person to care for your child can be a challenge. These resources can help.

  • Shyness for Teens

    Shyness is extremely common, especially among teens. But lots of mild to moderate shyness melts away with practice and familiarity, making social situations easier and easier to handle each time.

  • If Your Baby Has a Birth Defect for Parents

    If your child has a birth defect, you don't have to go it alone - many people and resources are available to help you.

  • How to Talk to Your Child About the News for Parents

    News reports are often educational. But when stories are about disturbing topics, parents can find it hard to explain to kids. Here are some guidelines.

  • Sexual Orientation for Parents

    During the teen years, sexual feelings are awakened in new ways because of the hormonal and physical changes of puberty. It takes time for many kids to understand who they are and who they're becoming. Part of that understanding includes a person's sexual feelings and attractions.

  • Making Friends: Answers for Teens With Autism for Teens

    You might want to make new friends, but aren’t sure how to do it. This article for teens with autism can help.

  • Suicide for Teens

    We all feel overwhelmed by difficult emotions or situations sometimes. Here are the warning signs of suicide and ways to get help.

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