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You searched for: word-emotions
  • What's Glycogen? for Kids

    When the body has extra glucose, it stores it in the liver and muscles. This stored form of glucose is called glycogen.

  • What Are Laxatives? for Kids

    Laxatives are medicines that help you out when your bowels aren't moving.

  • What Is Laparoscopy? for Kids

    Laparoscopy sounds a little scary at first, but it's actually pretty cool.

  • What's a Urinalysis? for Kids

    Here's why doctors sometimes have kids pee in a cup.

  • What's Appendicitis? for Kids

    Appendicitis happens when a part of the digestive system called the appendix gets inflamed or swells up.

  • What Is Malocclusion? for Kids

    Malocclusion is a word that dentists and orthodontists use when your teeth don't come together like they should.

  • What Are Carbohydrates? for Kids

    Like proteins and fats, carbohydrates are one of the three main components of food.

  • Hormones for Kids

    Hormones are special chemicals your body makes to help it do certain things, like grow up!

  • What's Glucagon? for Kids

    Glucagon is a hormone that raises the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood.

  • What's an Allergy? for Kids

    Achoo! Many things can trigger allergies, like pollen, certain animals, foods, or a bee sting.

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