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You searched for: swell-bee
  • Hey! A Fire Ant Stung Me! for Kids

    Fire ants think they're hot stuff. Learn how to handle them in this article for kids.

  • Spider Bites for Parents

    Spiders rarely bite people. When they do, it’s usually in self-defense because they’re being crushed by a human. Usually, their venom is not strong enough to hurt humans.

  • Serious Allergic Reactions (Anaphylaxis) for Parents

    Kids with severe allergies can be at risk for a sudden, serious allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. The good news is that when treated properly, anaphylaxis can be managed.

  • Hey! A Gnat Bit Me! for Kids

    A gnat is a very tiny insect, no bigger than the head of a pin. Learn more about gnats.

  • Hey! A Scorpion Stung Me! for Kids

    Scorpions are about three inches long (about the length of a crayon), with eight legs and a small pair of claws that look like crabs' claws. Read all about them.

  • Talking to Your Child About Puberty for Parents

    Talking to kids about puberty is an important job for parents, especially because kids often hear about sex and relationships from unreliable sources. Here are some tips.

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