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You searched for: safety-baseball
  • Safety Tips: Baseball for Parents

    Baseball is by no means a dangerous sport. But it can present a very real risk of injuries from things like wild pitches, batted balls, and collisions in the field. These safety tips can help keep your kids safe on the diamond.

  • Safety Tips: Baseball for Teens

    Baseball is by no means a dangerous sport. But it can present a very real risk of injuries from things like wild pitches, batted balls, and collisions in the field.

  • Sports and Exercise Safety for Teens

    Playing hard doesn't have to mean getting hurt. The best way to ensure a long and injury-free athletic career is to play it safe from the start. Find out how.

  • 5 Ways to Avoid Sports Injuries for Kids

    Sports injuries often can be prevented. Find out how in this article for kids.

  • Osteochondritis Dissecans for Parents

    Osteochondritis dissecans is when a piece of bone and the attached cartilage break down and become loose. If it heals completely, kids who have it usually don't have any long-lasting problems.

  • Signing Kids Up for Sports for Parents

    Organized sports can help kids grow in many ways. Consider your child's age, personality, and abilities to help make sports fun.

  • Hip Pointer for Teens

    Most hip pointer injuries can be easily treated and heal in their own time. Find out what to do in this article for teens.

  • Preventing Children's Sports Injuries for Parents

    Participation in sports can teach kids sportsmanship and discipline. But sports also carry the potential for injury. Here's how to protect your kids.

  • Can People With Asthma Play Sports? for Teens

    Sports and exercise are a good idea for people with asthma. But some activities are better than others - find out more.

  • Proximal Biceps Tendonitis for Teens

    In teens, biceps tendonitis is usually an overuse injury that causes tendons in the upper arm to be swollen or irritated. Most cases heal on their own if you follow a few guidelines from your doctor.

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