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You searched for: cancer-kinds
  • What Are Involuntary Muscles? for Kids

    You don't have any say over what this kind of muscle does and when.

  • What's Allergy-Triggered Asthma? for Kids

    Most kids who have asthma also have some kind of allergy, too.

  • What's Aerobic Activity? for Kids

    Aerobic activity is any kind of movement that makes your muscles use oxygen.

  • Definition: Allergy-Triggered Asthma for Teens

    Many people who have asthma have some kind of allergy, too.

  • Blood Test: Lipid Panel for Parents

    Results from a lipid panel enable your doctor to evaluate the levels of different kinds of fats in the blood.

  • Flat Feet for Parents

    Most babies and toddlers have flat feet. As they grow, an arch usually develops. But some kids have flat feet for life.

  • What's a Birthmark? for Kids

    Birthmarks, also known as hemangiomas, get their name for one reason: They are marks on the skin of a lot of newborn babies! Find out more about birthmarks in this article for kids.

  • Health Care Providers: Nurses for Parents

    Nurses provide much of the day-to-day care in hospitals, doing vital jobs like giving medicine and educating patients about self-care. Many kinds of nurses provide varying levels of care.

  • Gestational Diabetes for Parents

    Gestational diabetes is a kind of diabetes that comes on during pregnancy. When a woman has it, her blood sugar levels are high. That makes the unborn baby's blood sugar levels higher too.

  • Medicines for Diabetes for Teens

    Diabetes medicines help keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range and may help prevent problems now and later.

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