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You searched for: asd
  • Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) for Parents

    Atrial septal defect (ASD) — also known as a "hole in the heart" — is a type of congenital heart defect. Most ASDs are diagnosed and treated successfully.

  • What's an Atrial Septal Defect (ASD)? (Video) for Parents

    An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a heart defect in which there is an abnormal opening in the dividing wall between the upper filling chambers of the heart.

  • A to Z: Atrial Septal Defect (ASD) for Parents

    Learn about congenital heart defects and conditions that affect the heart and circulatory system.

  • Atrioventricular Canal Defect for Parents

    An atrioventricular canal defect (AV canal) is a heart problem in which the center of a baby's heart does not form normally before birth.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder for Parents

    Autism spectrum disorder affects a child's ability to communicate and learn. Early intervention and treatment can help kids improve skills and do their best.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder for Teens

    Autism spectrum disorder can make communicating and interacting with other people difficult. Find out more.

  • Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) for Parents

    Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a birth defect of a baby’s heart. The left side of the heart doesn’t grow as it should, making it smaller and weaker than normal.

  • The Norwood Procedure for Parents

    The Norwood procedure is an open-heart surgery. It's the first of three surgeries to treat hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS).

  • Tricuspid Atresia for Parents

    Tricuspid atresia is a congenital heart defect. A baby born with tricuspid atresia often has serious symptoms soon after birth because blood flow to the lungs is much less than normal.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder for Kids

    Autism spectrum disorder makes it hard for kids to learn and communicate. Find out more in this article for kids.