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You searched for: vision-facts-myths
  • Your Child's Vaccines: Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis Vaccine (DTaP) for Parents

    Find out when and why your child needs to get this vaccine.

  • Whooping Cough (Pertussis) for Parents

    Pertussis causes severe coughing spells that end in a whooping sound when the person breathes in. It can be prevented with the pertussis vaccine, part of the DTaP immunization.

  • What Is Herd Immunity? for Parents

    Herd immunity is when many people are immune to a contagious infection, so it's harder for that infection to spread in a community. But does it have a role in the fight against COVID-19?

  • Vaccine Schedule for Parents

    Which vaccines does your child need and when? Use this schedule as a handy reference.

  • Flu (Topic Center) for Parents

    Learn all about protecting your family from the flu and what to do if your child gets flu-like symptoms.

  • Can Masturbation Affect Periods? for Teens

    Masturbation doesn't affect periods or cause health problems. Those are rumors. Find out more.

  • Is It Normal to Masturbate? for Teens

    It’s normal for people to masturbate. Some people do it to relieve stress or tension. It’s nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about.

  • Sexual Orientation for Parents

    During the teen years, sexual feelings are awakened in new ways because of the hormonal and physical changes of puberty. It takes time for many kids to understand who they are and who they're becoming. Part of that understanding includes a person's sexual feelings and attractions.

  • Immunizations for Parents

    Do you know what vaccines your child needs and when? Find out here.

  • Medicine for Parents

    Info on medicines, therapies, and other treatments.