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You searched for: word-alcoholic
  • What Does Myopia Mean? for Kids

    Myopia is also known as nearsightededness, which means you can see things up close, but have trouble seeing objects far away, like the words on a chalkboard.

  • What's a Urinalysis? for Kids

    Here's why doctors sometimes have kids pee in a cup.

  • What's the Iris? for Kids

    Your iris is the colored part of your eye. So if someone has brown eyes, it means that person's irises are brown.

  • What's Glucagon? for Kids

    Glucagon is a hormone that raises the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood.

  • What's a Bolus? for Kids

    For someone with diabetes, a bolus means a single, large dose of insulin taken to handle a rise in blood glucose (a type of sugar).

  • What's a Tympanogram? for Kids

    Tympanic membrane is the fancy name for eardrum, so when a doctor wants to find out how your eardrum is working, they may get a tympanogram.

  • What's a Radiologist? for Kids

    When a kid gets an X-ray or a CT scan (two types of pictures taken of the inside of the body), those funny-looking pictures can be tough to understand.

  • What Are Laxatives? for Kids

    Laxatives are medicines that help you out when your bowels aren't moving.

  • What's an Operation? for Kids

    You've probably played the game Operation with your friends and family, but when someone you care about is getting a real operation, it can be scary.

  • What Are Disinfectants? for Kids

    Disinfectants are germ busters!