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You searched for: divorce
  • Asking for Help: Getting Past Obstacles for Teens

    Sometimes our ideas and beliefs stand in the way of asking for help. Here are ideas for teens on how to get past 5 common barriers to getting help.

  • Your Medical Records for Teens

    Each time you hop up on a doctor's exam table, somebody makes a note in your medical records. There may come a time when you need your medical information, so find out how to get it and how it's protected.

  • Feelings for Kids

    Confused, sad, mad, glad? Check out this section to learn about these emotions and many more — and how to deal with them.

  • My Home & Family for Kids

    Problems at home? Families can be a pain, but learning to get along can make life a lot easier. Check out these articles for tips on how to deal with stuff at home.

  • My Emotions & Behaviors for Kids

    Sometimes you may get emotional or feel really rotten. You may or may not know why. Check out these articles on your emotions and behavior to help get them in check.

  • Tough Topics for Parents

    Guidance on how to deal with bullying, drug abuse, divorce, and more.

  • Stressful Situations for Teens

    From dealing with divorce to taking tests, this section has advice on common stressful situations.

  • Emotions & Behavior for Parents

    Is it just a phase or a serious problem? Help your child cope with life's ups and downs, from dealing with divorce to preparing for new siblings. Or find out how to understand your child's behavior, whether it's toddler tantrums or teenage depression.

  • Families for Teens

    This section has tips on family life and getting along.

  • Feeling Sad for Teens

    From grief to serious depression, this section has advice on handling sadness.