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  • Reading Books to Babies for Parents

    Reading aloud to your baby stimulates developing senses, and builds listening and memory skills that can help your baby grow up to be a reader.

  • Story Time for Preschoolers for Parents

    Reading aloud to your preschooler is a great way to encourage learning development and to help prepare your child for independent reading down the line.

  • Toddler Reading Time for Parents

    Reading to toddlers lays the foundation for their independent reading later on. Here are some tips.

  • Creating a Reader-Friendly Home for Parents

    A home filled with reading material is a good way to help kids become enthusiastic readers. Here are some ideas.

  • School-Age Readers for Parents

    From kindergarten through third grade, kids' ability to read will grow by leaps and bounds. Although teachers provide lots of help, parents continue to play a role in a child's reading life.

  • Reading Milestones for Parents

    This general outline describes the milestones on the road to reading and the ages at which most kids reach them.

  • Everyday Reading Opportunities for Parents

    Finding time to read is important to developing literacy skills. And there are many easy and convenient ways to make reading a part of every day.

  • Learning, Play, and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old for Parents

    Your infant will learn to sit during this time, and in the next few months will begin exploring by reaching out for objects, grasping and inspecting them.

  • Help Your Child Get Organized for Parents

    Most kids generate a little chaos and disorganization. But if you'd like yours to be more organized and to stay focused on tasks, such as homework, here are 3 steps that make it possible.

  • Helping Kids Enjoy Reading for Parents

    For many kids, reading doesn't come easily. But these simple steps can help them become eager readers.