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You searched for: blood-sugar-low
  • Keeping Track of Your Blood Sugar for Kids

    Checking your blood sugar levels is a really important part of managing diabetes. Knowing those levels will help you keep your blood sugar under control - and that helps you feel good and keeps you healthy.

  • Blood Test: Insulin for Parents

    This test is often used to evaluate the cause of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or any other conditions related to abnormal insulin production.

  • Sports, Exercise, and Diabetes for Teens

    Teens with diabetes can exercise and play sports at the same level as everyone else, so whether you want to go for the gold or just go hiking in your hometown, diabetes shouldn't hold you back.

  • Helping Your Young Athlete With Type 1 Diabetes for Parents

    Kids with type 1 diabetes can play sports and exercise at the same level as other kids.

  • Diabetes To-Go Kit for Parents

    A diabetes to-go kit holds the supplies your child needs for daily and emergency care. Keep it filled and ready, so you have everything you need at a moment’s notice.

  • Diabetes and High Blood Sugar for Kids

    Too much glucose in the blood can be unhealthy, especially for kids with diabetes. Learn about diabetes and high blood sugar here.

  • Fainting for Parents

    Fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness. Someone who has fainted will usually recover quickly.

  • Managing Blood Sugars When You Have Type 1 Diabetes for Teens

    People who have diabetes may hear or read a lot about controlling, or managing, the condition. But what is diabetes control and why is it so important?

  • Diabetes: Getting Comfortable With a New Babysitter for Parents

    If you haven’t used a babysitter since your child was diagnosed with diabetes, you might have some questions about what to do. Here’s how to be prepared.

  • Insulin Injections for Parents

    Before giving an insulin injection, know the basics so you can set up and do it safely and with confidence.