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You searched for: coronavirus-school-remote-learning
  • COVID-19: Kids and Masks for Parents

    Wearing masks helps to slow the spread of COVID-19. Some toddlers and young children may feel uneasy about masks. Here's how to reassure your child.

  • COVID-19: Pregnancy FAQs for Parents

    We've learned a lot about about COVID-19. Here are some answers to questions about the virus and pregnancy.

  • COVID-19: How to Protect Babies for Parents

    Here's how parents can help protect their babies from COVID-19.

  • COVID-19: Viral Testing for Parents

    People might want to get tested for COVID-19 for different reasons. Here is what viral testing involves.

  • COVID-19: Home Care & Precautions for Parents

    Anyone who is sick — even if they don't know for sure they have coronavirus (COVID-19) — should stay home unless they need medical care. This helps prevent the illness from spreading to others.

  • Coronavirus (COVID-19): How You Can Make a Difference for Teens

    All over the world, people are staying home due to coronavirus (COVID-19). Social distancing is something we all can do to make a big difference. It's not easy, but these tips can help.

  • COVID-19: Antibody Testing for Parents

    Antibody testing for COVID-19 involves taking a small blood sample to check for antibodies that the body may have made to fight the virus.

  • COVID-19: Getting Tested for Parents

    As coronavirus spreads in communities, parents might wonder if their family should get tested. Here's how health care providers test for it.

  • COVID-19 Tests: Which One Is Best? for Parents

    Two kinds of tests can see if someone is infected with COVID-19: molecular tests (such as PCR) and antigen tests. Find out how they differ and which might be best for you or your family.

  • COVID-19 for Parents

    The coronavirus (COVID-19) can make people sick with flu-like symptoms. Learn how to protect your family and when to call your doctor.