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You searched for: coronavirus-school
  • When Can I Take My Newborn Out in Public? for Parents

    There are no set rules about how long to wait before taking a newborn out into the world or when to let people near the baby. But here are some guidelines.

  • What Is Herd Immunity? for Parents

    Herd immunity is when many people are immune to a contagious infection, so it's harder for that infection to spread in a community. But does it have a role in the fight against COVID-19?

  • Is it Safe to Breastfeed if I Have the Flu? for Parents

    If you have the flu, you can keep breastfeeding your baby. Learn more.

  • Flu (Topic Center) for Parents

    Learn all about protecting your family from the flu and what to do if your child gets flu-like symptoms.

  • Can Kids Get a COVID-19 Vaccine, Flu Vaccine, and RSV Shot at the Same Time? for Parents

    It's safe for kids to get a COVID-19 vaccine along with any other routine vaccine, including the flu vaccine and RSC shot.

  • Is It a Cold, the Flu, an RSV Infection, or COVID-19? for Parents

    The flu usually makes kids feel worse than if they have a cold. But it's not always easy to tell the difference. Here are tips on what to look for — and what to do.

  • Booster Shots for Parents

    The immune protection from a vaccine can fade over time. Booster shots and additional doses can help. Here's how.

  • Feeding Your Family on a Tight Budget for Parents

    Everyone needs enough healthy food, but many people can't get it all the time. Here are programs that can help.

  • Elective Surgery for Parents

    Elective surgery means you and the doctor decide when the it will happen. Many elective surgeries are important, potentially life-changing operations. Here's how to plan for them.

  • Blood Test: Immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG, IgM) for Parents

    Immunoglobulins (antibodies in the blood) can give doctors important information about the immune system, especially relating to infection or autoimmune disease.