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  • Sports Supplements for Parents

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. But there aren't enough long-term studies to know if they're safe for teens.

  • A Guide to Eating for Sports for Teens

    You've prepared for the game in almost every way possible: but now what should you eat? Read about performance foods, nutritional supplements, and more.

  • Sports Supplements for Teens

    Sports supplements are products used to enhance athletic performance. Lots of people who want to improve their performance have questions about how supplements work and whether they're safe.

  • What Causes Muscle Twitches? for Teens

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • What Sleep Is and Why All Kids Need It for Kids

    When you get a good night's sleep, it's like giving your body a tiny vacation. Find out the scoop on sleep in this article for kids.

  • Heart Palpitations for Parents

    Heart palpitations are rapid or irregular heartbeats that make it feel like the heart is racing or fluttering. They usually aren't a sign of a health problem, and most kids who have them won't need to limit their physical activity.

  • Bedwetting (Nocturnal Enuresis) for Teens

    Bedwetting can be embarrassing and upsetting for teens, but there are effective ways to correct the problem and scientists are constantly developing new treatments.

  • Headaches for Teens

    Almost everyone gets headaches. So how do you know if a headache is just a passing pain or something more?

  • How Much Sleep Do I Need? for Teens

    Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. But you might not be getting it. Here's why - and tips for getting more shut-eye.

  • A to Z: Peptic Ulcers for Parents

    Peptic ulcers are painful sores in the lining of the stomach or upper part of the small intestine.

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