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You searched for: test-t3ru
  • What Are Colds? for Kids

    More than 200 viruses can cause colds. Because there are so many, there isn't a vaccination to prevent you from getting colds. Fortunately, your body already has the best cold cure — your immune system.

  • What Is Rotavirus? for Kids

    Rotavirus is a virus that affects the digestive system. It can make people throw up a lot or have bad diarrhea.

  • What's Adenovirus? for Kids

    An adenovirus is a germ that can cause a sore throat, cough, or runny nose.

  • What Is Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease? for Kids

    Hand, foot, and mouth disease can cause fever and blisters on the hands and feet and in the mouth and throat.

  • A to Z: Norovirus for Parents

    Learn about viral infections and conditions that affect the stomach and digestive system.

  • What's a Virus? for Kids

    Viruses are a type of germ. They're very tiny, and when they get inside your body, they can make you sick.

  • What Is Coxsackievirus? for Kids

    A coxsackievirus is one of a group of viruses or germs that live in the digestive tract and can make you sick.

  • What's a Rhinovirus? for Kids

    No, this isn't a rhinoceros with the sniffles.

  • What's Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)? for Kids

    Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is an infection of the lungs and breathing passages.

  • What's a Funny Bone? for Kids

    You've banged your elbow and it feels tingly and strange. Find out why in this article for kids.

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