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You searched for: animal-bites-sheet
  • Animal Bites and Scratches for Parents

    Animal bites and scratches, even minor ones, can become infected and spread bacteria to other parts of the body, regardless of whether the animal is a family pet or a wild animal.

  • Rabies for Parents

    Rabies is a serious infection of the nervous system that is caused by a virus. Rabies is usually transmitted by a bite from an infected animal.

  • Handling Injuries & Illnesses for Parents

    From minor injuries to medical emergencies, these guides help you deal with common childhood mishaps.

  • Staying Safe Around Animals for Kids

    Do you love animals? Lots of kids do. Find out how to stay safe around them in this article for kids.

  • Preventing Dog Bites for Parents

    Teaching kids a few basic dog manners will help them enjoy safe encounters with Fido.

  • Dogs and Preventing Dog Bites for Kids

    Are you a little afraid of dogs? Some kids are, so find out how you can make friends with dogs and avoid dog bites.

  • Cat Scratch Disease for Parents

    Cat scratch disease is an infection that causes swelling of the lymph nodes after a cat scratch or bite. Learn about signs and symptoms, prevention, treatment, and more.

  • Cellulitis for Parents

    Cellulitis is an infection of the skin and underlying tissues that can affect any area of the body. It begins in an area of broken skin, like a cut or scratch.

  • Summer Safety (Topic Center) for Parents

    Here's your one-stop shop for everything you need to know about how to keep kids safe during summertime.

  • A to Z: Venom for Parents

    Venom refers to poisonous substances that are administered by an animal to its prey or enemy through a bite or sting. Depending on the species, its effects can range from mildly irritating to deadly.

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