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You searched for: strains-sprains
  • Strains and Sprains for Parents

    Sprains and strains are common injuries, especially for kids who play hard or are into sports.

  • First Aid: Strains and Sprains for Parents

    Here's what to do if you think your child has pulled or torn a muscle, ligament, or tendon.

  • Strains and Sprains for Teens

    Sprains and strains are common injuries, especially for people who play hard or are into sports. Find out what they are and how to recuperate from one.

  • Ankle Sprains for Teens

    A sprained ankle is a very common injury that happens when the ligaments that support the ankle get overly stretched or torn. Find out how to avoid ankle sprains and what to do if you get one.

  • A to Z: Sprain, Ankle for Parents

    Ankle sprains are common in kids and teens who play sports. They happen when the ligaments that support the ankle get overly stretched or torn.

  • Sports Medicine (Topic Center) - Children's Health System - Alabama for Teens

    This page has tips to prepare you for a new season, handle sports pressure, stay motivated, and avoid or heal from injuries.

  • A to Z Symptom: Back Pain for Parents

    Back pain is fairly common, and is often due to muscle strain or sprain. In students, wearing a heavy backpack is a common cause.

  • Dealing With Sports Injuries for Teens

    You practiced hard and made sure you wore protective gear, but you still got hurt. Read this article to find out how to take care of sports injuries - and how to avoid getting them.

  • A to Z: Sprain for Parents

    Sprains are common injuries, especially among active older kids and teens who play sports.

  • Kids & Sports (Topic Center) - Children's Health System - Alabama for Parents

    Get tips on everything from finding the best sport for your kids to preventing and handling injuries.