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You searched for: serious-stress
  • What to Do About Headaches for Parents

    Headaches are rarely a sign of something serious. Here's what to do if your child has a headache.

  • A to Z: Feeding Problems, Infant for Parents

    Some babies refuse to eat or don't eat enough. Others have problems digesting food. Learn more about common feeding problems here.

  • Dealing With Sports Injuries for Teens

    You practiced hard and made sure you wore protective gear, but you still got hurt. Read this article to find out how to take care of sports injuries - and how to avoid getting them.

  • Am I Depressed? for Teens

    When a sad feeling lasts for a couple weeks or longer, or is affecting your daily life, it could be a sign of depression.

  • Palliative Care for Parents

    Palliative care provides physical, emotional, and spiritual support to sick children and their families.

  • Torticollis for Parents

    Torticollis is a common condition that causes a stiff neck or neck pain that makes it hard for kids to turn their heads.

  • Anorexia for Parents

    People with the eating disorder anorexia are very afraid of gaining weight. They have unrealistic views of their body and try to eat as little as possible. They also might exercise too much or do other things to lose weight.

  • Going to the Emergency Room for Parents

    Knowing what to expect when you need to take your child to the emergency room can help make it a little less stressful.

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about posttraumatic stress disorder, and how to help students with PTSD.

  • Safety Tips: Cheerleading for Teens

    Cheerleading today requires considerable athletic ability. The more challenging it gets, the greater the risk of getting hurt. Find out how to avoid injuries.

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