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You searched for: sleep
  • Why Do I Need to Sleep? for Kids

    Sleep is vital for giving your body a rest and allowing it to prepare for the next day. This article about sleep will teach you why your brain needs to spend time in bed getting zzzz's!

  • A to Z: Obstructive Sleep Apnea for Parents

    Learn about this common sleep disorder, where a blockage of the airway during sleep can cause someone to temporarily stop breathing.

  • A to Z: Central Sleep Apnea for Parents

    Learn more about this condition, in which abnormal brain signals cause a person's breathing to stop and start repeatedly during sleep.

  • Helping Your Toddler Sleep (Video) for Parents

    Many parents struggle to get their toddlers to sleep. Get advice on how you can encourage sleep and promote habits that last a lifetime.

  • Helping Your Baby Sleep (Video) for Parents

    All new parents want their babies to sleep well. Here's what to expect in that first year, and how to help your baby sleep.

  • Stress Less: Eat, Play, Sleep for Kids

    Eat healthy foods. Be active every day. Get the right amount of sleep. These daily habits are good for your mental health. Find out how to make them work for you in this article for kids.

  • How Much Sleep Do I Need? for Teens

    Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night. But you might not be getting it. Here's why - and tips for getting more shut-eye.

  • Can Lack of Sleep Stunt Your Growth? for Teens

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • Sleep and Your School-Aged Child for Parents

    School-age kids need 9–12 hours of sleep a night. If they don't get it, they may be cranky or moody, hyper, and have behavior problems.

  • What Should I Do If I Can't Sleep? for Teens

    If you find yourself lying awake in bed, try these tips.

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