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You searched for: swimming
  • Summer Safety (Topic Center) for Teens

    Want to avoid summer hazards so you can focus on the fun? This center offers tips for teens.

  • Fitness and Your 13- to 18-Year-Old for Parents

    Kids who enjoy exercise tend to stay active throughout their lives. Learn how to encourage fitness in your teen.

  • Swimmer's Ear (Otitis Externa) for Parents

    Swimmer's ear is an infection of the ear canal caused by many types of bacteria or fungi. Find out how to prevent it.

  • Knee Injury: Caroline's Story for Teens

    Caroline loved sports. But when an ongoing knee injury kept her from playing the sports she loved, she discovered new interests. Read her story.

  • Why Exercise Is Wise for Kids

    Exercise can help keep a kid's body fit and healthy. Learn more about what exercise can do for you in this article for kids.

  • Well-Child Visit: 7 Years for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your child might be doing by the seventh year.

  • Well-Child Visit: 8 Years for Parents

    Find out what this well-child visit will involve and what your child might be doing by the eighth year.

  • Stretching for Teens

    You may have heard mixed things about stretching before working out. Here are the cold, hard facts on warming up, stretching, and cooling down.

  • Jumper's Knee for Teens

    Jumper's knee is an overuse injury that happens when frequent jumping, running, and changing direction damages the patellar tendon.

  • E. Coli Infections: Diarrhea for Parents

    Undercooked burgers and unwashed produce are among the foods that can harbor E. coli bacteria and lead to infection marked by severe diarrhea. Here's how to protect your family.

Long Live Childhood

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