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You searched for: moving
  • Lungs and Respiratory System for Parents

    We need the respiratory system for breathing. Find out how it works.

  • Motivating Preschoolers to Be Active for Parents

    A preschooler's desire to move, move, move makes this a great time to encourage fitness habits that can last a lifetime.

  • What Are Varicose Veins? for Kids

    Do you know an older person whose legs look like a road map with all those blue and purple squiggly lines? They're probably varicose veins.

  • Movement, Coordination, and Your 4- to 7-Month-Old for Parents

    At this age, kids are learning to roll over, reach out to get what they want, and sit up. Provide a safe place to practice moving and lots of interesting objects to reach for.

  • Movement, Coordination, and Your 8- to 12-Month-Old for Parents

    From scooting to crawling to cruising, during these months, babies are learning how to get around.

  • Antegrade Continence Enema (ACE) for Parents

    An antegrade continence enema, or ACE, is a different way to give an enema. Enemas can help someone poop if they become constipated or have another problem moving their bowels.

  • Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip for Parents

    Babies can be born with this hip problem or develop it soon after birth. Early treatment can help the hip joint grow normally.

  • Constipation for Teens

    Constipation is a very common problem that usually happens because a person's diet doesn't include enough fluids and fiber. In most cases, making simple changes can help you feel better.

  • Constipation for Parents

    Constipation is a very common problem among kids, and it usually occurs because a child's diet doesn't include enough fluids and fiber. In most cases, simple changes can help kids go.

  • Tongue Tie (Ankyloglossia ) for Parents

    Tongue tie (ankyloglossia) is when a band of tissue connects the tip of the tongue to the floor of the mouth, which keeps it from moving freely.