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You searched for: healthy-breakfasts
  • Quick, Healthy Breakfast for Parents

    This recipe is especially for kids with diabetes, but can be a nutritious part of almost anyone's diet.

  • Breakfast Basics for Parents

    Even if you eat a healthy morning meal every day, it can be tough to get kids fueled up. Here's how to make breakfast more appealing.

  • Breakfast on the Go for Teens

    Use these breakfast planning ideas to select healthy foods that satisfy your taste buds and get you on your way fast.

  • Breakfast for Kids

    Did you eat breakfast today? Find out why it's important.

  • Feeding Your Family on a Tight Budget for Parents

    Everyone needs enough healthy food, but many people can't get it all the time. Here are programs that can help.

  • Back to School for Teens

    Dread it or love it, you gotta go to school. Looking for ways to make the first day a little less painful? Here are some tips.

  • Blueberry Pancakes for Parents

    Make blueberry pancakes with your kids with this easy recipe.

  • Recipes for Kids With Diabetes for Parents

    These recipes were created for kids with diabetes, but can be enjoyed by anyone looking for nutritious meals and snacks.

  • DASH Diet for High Blood Pressure for Parents

    Doctor may recommend the DASH diet for kids who've had a blood pressure reading that was higher than normal. The DASH diet is not a strict diet, but more of a lifestyle.

  • How to Make a Low-Cost and Healthy Dinner for Parents

    Find out how to make dinner that's healthy and doesn't cost a lot.