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  • Heart Transplant for Parents

    If your child needs a heart transplant, you're probably feeling lots of emotions. Fortunately, many kids who undergo heart transplants go on to live normal, healthy lives.

  • Helping Kids When They Worry for Parents

    All kids worry at times, and some may do so more than others. But parents can help kids manage it and tackle everyday problems with ease. Find out how.

  • Separation Anxiety for Parents

    Teary and tantrum-filled goodbyes are common with separation anxiety, which is a perfectly normal part of childhood development.

  • PANDAS and PANS for Parents

    PANDAS and PANS cause a sudden onset of severe OCD symptoms. They also cause other sudden changes in a child's behavior. These can be so extreme that a parent may say their child seemed to "change overnight."

  • Talking to Kids About Gun Violence for Parents

    When gun violence is in the news, kids might worry that it could happen to them or someone they love. Here's how to talk to them about it.

  • Choosing a Pediatrician for Your New Baby for Parents

    Along with considering baby names and buying a crib, choosing the right health care provider should be on your to-do list when you're expecting.

  • Dietary Tips for Kids With Cystic Fibrosis for Parents

    Kids with cystic fibrosis have some special nutritional needs. Here's how parents can help them.

  • Your Medical Records for Teens

    Each time you hop up on a doctor's exam table, somebody makes a note in your medical records. There may come a time when you need your medical information, so find out how to get it and how it's protected.

  • Childhood Fears and Worries for Parents

    It's normal for children to feel afraid at times. Parents can help kids feel safe and learn to feel at ease.

  • Tips for Divorcing Parents for Parents

    Every divorce - and every family - is different. But these guidelines might make the change a bit easier.