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You searched for: exercise-time
  • Mindfulness Exercises for Teens

    Being mindful helps people do better in just about every part of life, like focusing on homework or feeling less stressed out. Here are 5 exercises to practice building mindfulness skills.

  • 10 Ways to Manage Everyday Stress for Teens

    Everyday stressors have a way of piling up if we don't keep them in check. When you manage everyday stress, you’re better able to handle bigger challenges you might face.

  • Achilles Tendonitis for Teens

    If the tendon just above your heel becomes swollen or irritated due to overuse, it can lead to a painful condition called Achilles tendonitis. Find out how to treat it - and prevent it.

  • Tummy Time for Parents

    Tummy time helps babies strengthen their neck and shoulder muscles and prepare them for crawling. Here's how to do it.

  • Sports, Exercise, and Diabetes for Teens

    Teens with diabetes can exercise and play sports at the same level as everyone else, so whether you want to go for the gold or just go hiking in your hometown, diabetes shouldn't hold you back.

  • Female Athlete Triad for Teens

    Female athlete triad is a combination of three conditions: disordered eating, amenorrhea (loss of a girl's period), and osteoporosis (a weakening of the bones).

  • Preventing Caregiver Burnout for Parents

    Caregiver burnout happens when you try to do it all without having access to the help or rest you need. Learn the signs, how to prevent burnout, and get support.

  • Pregnancy Slideshow (Mom & Baby) for Parents

    Here's a peek at what's going on inside your body during the amazing 40 weeks of pregnancy. Watch your belly — and your baby — grow!

  • Dealing With Asthma Triggers for Kids

    If you have asthma, certain things may cause you to cough and have trouble breathing. Find out more about asthma triggers in this article for kids.

  • Dealing With Pain During Childbirth for Parents

    Learning all you can about childbirth pain is one of the best ways to help you deal with it when the time comes.