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You searched for: bc-stds
  • Can Vaginal Cleaning Prevent Pregnancy? for Teens

    Some people clean their vagina after having sex to prevent pregnancy, but it won’t work. If you decide to have sex, use reliable birth control instead.

  • Talking to Your Partner About STDs for Teens

    You know you should talk about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) before the action starts. But what if the thought of having "the talk" makes you nervous? These tips can help.

  • Withdrawal for Teens

    Before you consider having sex, you need to know how to protect yourself. Learn about withdrawal - and whether it's effective at preventing pregnancy and STDs.

  • Birth Control: What to Know for Teens

    Before having sex, it’s important to know about birth control and protecting against unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

  • When's the Best Time to Have Sex and Avoid Pregnancy? for Teens

    Having sex when you think it’s a "safe" time can lead to an unplanned pregnancy. It’s hard to know when you're least likely to become pregnant.

  • Could I Get Pregnant if I Have Sex During My Period? for Teens

    Can females can get pregnant when they have their period? Find out.

  • Spermicide for Teens

    Spermicides should be used with another birth control method, such as condoms or a diaphragm. They be used alone but are not very effective that way.

  • Fertility Awareness for Teens

    Learn what the fertility awareness (rhythm method) of birth control is and how it works - and some of the reasons why it might not work for teens.

  • Condoms for Teens

    Condoms may be a good birth control option for couples who are responsible enough to use one each time and people who want protection against STDs.

  • Birth Control: IUDs for Parents

    An IUD is a piece of T-shaped plastic placed inside the uterus. It's a good birth control option because it lasts for many years, needs no daily care, and is very effective at preventing pregnancy.