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You searched for: weight-diabetes
  • Overweight and Obesity for Parents

    Preventing kids from becoming overweight means making choices in the way your family eats and exercises, and how you spend time together.

  • Gastric Sleeve Surgery for Teens

    There are several different types of weight loss surgeries. One type is gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy. Find out what's involved and who gets it in this article for teens.

  • Medicines for Diabetes for Teens

    Diabetes medicines help keep blood sugar levels in a healthy range and may help prevent problems now and later.

  • A to Z: Obesity, Morbid for Parents

    Learn about causes and complications of obesity and morbid obesity.

  • What Is a BMI Report Card? for Parents

    Find out what the experts have to say.

  • What Is Type 1 Diabetes? for Teens

    Diabetes affects how the body uses glucose, a sugar that is the body's main source of fuel. In type 1 diabetes, glucose can't get into the body's cells where it's needed.

  • What Is Type 1 Diabetes? for Kids

    Thousands of kids all over the world have type 1 diabetes, a disease that affects how the body uses glucose.

  • Healthy Eating for Kids With Diabetes for Kids

    Learning how to make healthy choices and balance carbohydrates, protein, and fat can help you keep your blood sugars in a healthy range.

  • A to Z: Gastroparesis for Parents

    Learn more about this problem of the stomach and digestive tract.

  • Kids and Exercise for Parents

    Besides enjoying the health benefits of regular exercise, kids who are physically fit are better able to handle physical and emotional challenges.