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You searched for: teasing
  • Kids With Special Needs for Kids

    Lots of kids have special needs. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder for Teens

    Autism spectrum disorder can make communicating and interacting with other people difficult. Find out more.

  • Campomelic Dysplasia for Parents

    People with campomelic dysplasia usually have bent long bones and can have severe breathing problems. A team of specialists will care for a child when medical problems come up.

  • Helping Kids Cope With Cliques for Parents

    With cliques prevalent in middle and high school, most kids encounter them at some point. Here's how parents can help kids maintain confidence and self-respect while dealing with cliques.

  • Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia for Parents

    Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia is a type of skeletal dysplasia. It affects the ends of the long bones, leading to short stature, joint pain and stiffness, and other bone problems.

  • Primordial Dwarfism for Parents

    People with primordial dwarfism have slowed growth that begins before birth and continues throughout life. Sometimes they have other health problems too.

  • What Being Overweight Means for Kids

    Being overweight has become a serious problem for many kids and adults. Find out what it means to be overweight in this article just for kids.

  • Pseudoachondroplasia for Parents

    Pseudoachondroplasia is a skeletal dysplasia that causes dwarfism and arms and legs that are short compared with the body. Children who have it can live long and productive lives.

  • Cartilage Hair Hypoplasia for Parents

    Kids with cartilage hair hypoplasia have differences with the growth of their bones. With regular medical care, most kids can live a full, healthy life.

  • Teaching Kids to Be Smart About Social Media for Parents

    Before kids or teens hit "enter," make sure they know the rules when it comes to oversharing, teasing, posting personal info, and other online don'ts.