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You searched for: small-pets
  • Bringing Your Baby Home for Parents

    Whether your baby comes home from the hospital right away, arrives later, or comes through an adoption agency, homecoming is a major event.

  • Ringworm for Teens

    Ringworm isn't a worm at all - it's the name for a type of fungal skin infection. The good news is that ringworm is easy to treat.

  • Leaving Your Child Home Alone for Parents

    It's natural for parents to be a bit anxious when first leaving kids without supervision. But you can feel prepared and confident with some planning and a couple of trial runs.

  • Ringworm for Parents

    Ringworm is a type of fungal skin infection. The good news is that ringworm is easy to treat.

  • Rabies for Parents

    Rabies is a serious infection of the nervous system that is caused by a virus. Rabies is usually transmitted by a bite from an infected animal.

  • First Aid: Head Lice for Parents

    Lice commonly spread from kid to kid. They're not dangerous - but they are creepy and annoying. Here's what to do about them.

  • Babesiosis for Parents

    Babesiosis is a rare illness that happens when tiny parasites infect red blood cells, usually after a bite from an infected tick.

  • Preventing Injuries From Electrical, Heating, and Cooling Systems for Parents

    These simple safety tips can help protect kids from injuries due to electrical, heating, and cooling appliances and systems.

  • How to Live a Happy Life for Teens

    Research shows that just 10% of happiness depends on a person's situation. We actually have more control over happiness than we might think. Find out how.

  • Storm Stress: Helping Kids Stay Calm for Parents

    Weather events like severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes can be a lot for kids to handle. Here's how to help children feel less stressed.