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You searched for: medical-news
  • How Can I Find a New Doctor for My Child? for Parents

    Find out what the experts say.

  • How to Talk to Your Child About the News for Parents

    News reports are often educational. But when stories are about disturbing topics, parents can find it hard to explain to kids. Here are some guidelines.

  • How Do I Switch Doctors? for Teens

    Most pediatricians stop seeing patients who are between the ages of 18 and 21, so you'll need to make the switch eventually.

  • Preparing Your Child for a New Sibling for Parents

    The arrival of a new baby can cause lots of changes. But parents can prepare kids for an addition to the family.

  • 10 Ways New Drivers Can Stay Safe for Teens

    If you're a new driver, these 10 tips can keep you both sane and safe.

  • Back to School for Teens

    Dread it or love it, you gotta go to school. Looking for ways to make the first day a little less painful? Here are some tips.

  • Going Back to School for Kids

    There's a lot of "new" in the first day of school. New teachers, new friends, new shoes, new notebooks, and sometimes, a new school. Find out more about going back to school in this article for kids.

  • Back to School for Parents

    Kids often have a tough time making the back-to-school transition. Here's how to help them.

  • Liver Transplant for Parents

    If your child needs a liver transplant, you're probably feeling lots of emotions. Fortunately, most kids who have liver transplants go on to live normal, healthy lives.

  • Choosing Your Own Doctor for Teens

    You deserve medical care from someone who helps you feel comfortable and understood. Get tips on finding the best doctor for you.