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  • Choosing Safe Toys for Babies for Parents

    All toys you select for your baby or toddler should meet safety standards. These tips can help you find safe toys for your little one.

  • Zika Virus for Parents

    Zika is a virus that a person can catch if bitten by an infected mosquito. Outbreaks of the virus have happened throughout the world, particularly in tropical areas where certain types of mosquitoes live.

  • The Magic of Play: How It Inspires & Aids Early Development for Parents

    Learn why play is so important during the preschool years, and what you can do to foster your child's imagination.

  • Safety Tips: Cheerleading for Teens

    Cheerleading today requires considerable athletic ability. The more challenging it gets, the greater the risk of getting hurt. Find out how to avoid injuries.

  • Choosing Safe Toys for Toddlers and Preschoolers for Parents

    How can you tell if a small toy poses a choking risk? What types of unsafe toys should you avoid for your baby, toddler, or preschooler? Find out here.

  • 10 Ways to Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School for Parents

    Kids do better in school when parents are involved. These early years of schooling are an important time for parents to be informed and supportive about their child's education.