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  • Immune System for Teens

    The immune system is made up of special cells, proteins, tissues, and organs that defend people against germs and microorganisms.

  • Hemodialysis for Parents

    Hemodialysis is a medical treatment that uses a machine with a special filter to take waste and extra water out of the blood.

  • Ears for Teens

    Hearing is their main job, but it's not all your ears do. Find out all about them in this body basics article for teens.

  • Chronic Kidney Disease for Parents

    When kidney disease becomes chronic, it means the kidneys are damaged and can't properly do their many important jobs. Find out what that means and how it's treated.

  • Time for Bed? for Kids

    Hey, wake up and play our game about sleep! Find out who needs more sleep - you or some of your favorite animals!

  • How to Shop for Health Insurance for Parents

    The government's healthcare marketplace, or exchange, is the new way to shop for health insurance. But just how do you find the best coverage and sign up? Get answers here.

  • Your Brain & Nervous System for Kids

    Your brain is the boss of your body and runs the whole show. Learn more in this article for kids.

  • What's Occupational Therapy? for Kids

    Do you know what your occupation is?

  • Rejection: How Well Do You Cope? (Quiz) for Teens

    Everyone gets rejected at some point. Get some insight into your coping skills by taking this quiz for teens.

  • What's Irritable Bowel Syndrome? for Kids

    Irritable bowel syndrome happens when the muscles in the large intestine have trouble doing their job.