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  • Fevers for Kids

    What are fevers? Why do kids get them? Get the facts on temperatures and fevers in this article for kids.

  • Cholera for Teens

    Cholera is an intestinal infection that mostly affects people in tropical regions. Find out more about cholera in this article for teens.

  • Calcium for Parents

    Milk and other calcium-rich foods help build strong, healthy bones. But most kids and teens don't get enough calcium. Here's how to make sure that yours do.

  • Iron for Parents

    Iron is an important ingredient needed to make hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying part of every red blood cell.

  • Fats for Parents

    Some fats are good for kids and an important part of a healthy diet. Here's what parents should know.

  • Fiber for Parents

    Many appetizing foods are also good sources of fiber - from fruits to whole-grain cereals. Here are ways to help kids get more fiber in their everyday diets.

  • Miscarriages for Parents

    Miscarriages are common, and in most cases aren't preventable. But you can take steps to increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy.

  • Cryptotia for Parents

    Cryptotia is when the top part of the ear is underneath the skin. If needed, treatments can reshape the ear.

  • Appendectomy for Parents

    Learn the basics of an appendectomy so you know what to expect if your child has this surgery.

  • Ears for Parents

    Hearing may be the ears' main job, but it's not all they do. Learn all about the ears in this Body Basics article.