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You searched for: hospitals
  • Going to the Hospital for Kids

    It may seem scary to go to a hospital, but doctors and nurses are there to help people who are sick or hurt feel better. Read our article for kids to find out what happens inside a hospital.

  • Balancing Schoolwork and Hospital Stays for Parents

    When your child has a serious or chronic illness, it's hard to think beyond the next treatment. But with some planning, you can help your child balance schoolwork with hospital stays.

  • What's It Like to Stay in the Hospital? for Teens

    Scheduled for a hospital stay? Knowing what to expect can make it a little easier.

  • Balancing Schoolwork and Hospital Stays for Teens

    Every student finds it hard to stay on top of schoolwork sometimes. So what happens when you have to miss a lot of school? This article for teens offers tips and advice.

  • Shaving for Teens

    Follow these shaving tips for guys and get a quick, easy, and painless shave.

  • Cholesterol for Parents

    Most parents probably don't think about what cholesterol means for their kids. But high cholesterol is a risk factor for heart disease, which has its roots in childhood.

  • Kyphosis for Parents

    Everyone's spine is slightly rounded forward at a gentle angle. If this angle is too pronounced, more than 50 degrees or so, it's called kyphosis, also known as roundback or hunchback.

  • Nails for Parents

    Nails protect the sensitive tips of fingers and toes.

  • Storytelling for Parents

    Here are some tips for on-the-spot storytelling when you hear your child plead, "I'm bored! Please tell me a story."

  • Cyberbullying for Parents

    Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another person. Here are some suggestions on what to do if online bullying has become part of your child's life.