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You searched for: drink-healthy
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) for Parents

    If a woman drinks alcohol during her pregnancy, her baby could be born with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), which causes a wide range of physical, behavioral, and learning problems.

  • Formula Feeding FAQs: Starting Solids and Milk for Parents

    Find answers to common inquiries about introducing solids and whole milk to formula-fed babies.

  • Making the Holidays Safe for Parents

    Make the holidays fun and healthy by learning how to protect your kids from these common hazards.

  • Cystic Fibrosis: Diet and Nutrition for Teens

    Besides extra calories, teens with cystic fibrosis have some specific nutritional needs. Find out more.

  • Nutrition Guide for Toddlers for Parents

    While growth slows somewhat during the toddler years, it's a new era where kids will eat and drink more independently.

  • Lactose Intolerance for Teens

    If you have lactose intolerance, you're not alone. Lots of people have the condition. Check out these tips on dealing with lactose intolerance.

  • The Deal With Diets for Teens

    With all the focus on dieting, how do you figure out what's healthy and what isn't? Read this article to get the basics on dieting.

  • Lactose Intolerance for Kids

    Kids with lactose intolerance have trouble digesting a type of sugar found in milk and other dairy foods. But by making smart choices, they can eat delicious foods without feeling sick.

  • Lead Poisoning for Parents

    Long-term exposure to lead can cause serious health problems, particularly in young kids, so it's important to find out whether your child might be at risk for lead exposure.

  • Coffee and Caffeine Use During Pregnancy for Parents

    It's usually OK to have 1 or 2 cups of coffee during pregnancy, but it's best to not have more than that. Find out more.