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You searched for: dam-video
  • How Do Teeth Work? (Video) for Kids

    Chloe and the Nurb sing about teeth and all they do for you - talking and eating, just to name a few!

  • How Does the Heart & Circulatory System Work? (Video) for Kids

    Watch this movie about your heart and circulatory system, which sends blood throughout your body.

  • Seizures for Parents

    Seizures are caused by a sudden surge of electrical activity in the brain. Find out what you need to know about seizures and what to do if your child has one.

  • Nursing Positions for Parents

    If you're a new mom, breastfeeding your baby can feel like a challenge. Check out this article for information on common nursing positions, proper latching-on techniques, and how to know if your baby is getting enough to eat.

  • Medical Tests and Procedures (Video Landing Page) for Kids

    Sometimes you need a medical test to give your doctor more information about your health. Find out how 10 common tests are done in these videos for kids.

  • Broken Bones for Kids

    What happens when you break a bone?

  • What's the Difference Between a Nebulizer and an Inhaler? for Kids

    People use inhalers and nebulizers to get asthma medicine into their lungs. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • Video: Study Break Yoga for Kids

    Time to take a study break! Stretch out, unwind, and refresh so you can get back to your homework.

  • Video: Welcome Home Yoga for Kids

    You're home from a long day at school. Unwind with Welcome Home Yoga.

  • Asthma Medicines for Parents

    Asthma medicine comes in two main types: quick-relief and long-term control medicines. Even if a child takes a long-term control medicine regularly, quick-relief medicine is still needed to handle flare-ups.