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  • Your Brain & Nervous System for Kids

    Your brain is the boss of your body and runs the whole show. Learn more in this article for kids.

  • Chest Wall Disorder: Poland Syndrome for Parents

    Poland syndrome is a condition where a child is born with missing or underdeveloped chest muscles.

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for Parents

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a safe and painless test that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed pictures of the body's organs and structures.

  • Taking Care of Your Vision for Teens

    Even if you're lucky enough to have perfect vision, taking care of and protecting your eyes is vital to keeping your peepers perfect. Learn all about how to take care of your baby blues (or browns or greens) in this article.

  • Bell's Palsy for Parents

    Bell's palsy is a temporary weakness or paralysis of the muscles on one side of the face. Though it can be alarming, it typically goes away in a matter of weeks.

  • Telehealth and Your Child for Parents

    Telehealth is changing health care. Find out how things like video doctor visits can benefit you and your family.

  • What to Expect at a Telehealth Visit for Parents

    Find out how a video visit works and what you need to do to get ready.

  • Sexting: What Parents Need to Know for Parents

    Sexting could haunt a teen for the rest of his or her life. Here's what parents need to know.

  • Central Nervous System: The Brain and Spinal Cord for Parents

    The brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. Find out how they work together to control everything we do.

  • Electronic Health Records for Parents

    Many health institutions digitally store their patients' health information. Learn about electronic health records (EHRs) and how they can improve health care.