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You searched for: asthma-home
  • Traveling and Asthma for Kids

    Going on a trip? If you have asthma, you'll want to be prepared so breathing trouble doesn't spoil your fun. Find out more in this article for kids.

  • What's a Peak Flow Meter? for Kids

    Lots of kids who have asthma use a special tool called a peak flow meter to measure how quickly they can push air out of their lungs.

  • Dealing With an Asthma Flare-Up for Teens

    Asthma flare-ups, or attacks, can be handled, but it's even better if you can prevent them. Find out how to deal with flare-ups.

  • What's a Peak Flow Meter? for Parents

    A peak flow meter is a portable handheld device used to measure how well a person can blow air out of the lungs.

  • Traveling and Asthma for Teens

    If you have asthma, travel can seem less fun because there's always the worry that something unexpected may cause a flare-up. Here's how to avoid problems so you can concentrate on the fun.

  • Asthma Flare-Ups for Parents

    Find out how to deal with — and help prevent — asthma flare-ups ("attacks"), which is when asthma symptoms get worse.

  • Air Pollution and Asthma for Parents

    Ground-level ozone and other air pollutants can trigger asthma flare-ups. But there are steps you can take to minimize your child's exposure.

  • Asthma Medicines for Parents

    Asthma medicine comes in two main types: quick-relief and long-term control medicines. Even if a child takes a long-term control medicine regularly, quick-relief medicine is still needed to handle flare-ups.

  • Smoking and Asthma for Parents

    Being a smoker is an obvious risk for kids and teens with asthma, but just being around people who smoke can cause problems too.

  • The Flu for Kids

    The flu is a virus that can make you sick for a week or longer. Find out more in this article for kids.