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You searched for: asthma-home
  • After a Flood: How Families Can Stay Safe for Parents

    After a flood, there can be many possible dangers in and around your home. Here's how to keep kids safe.

  • When Your Child's in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit for Parents

    It can be stressful whenever kids are in the hospital — and even more so when they're admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). A basic understanding of the PICU can help you feel better prepared to help your child recover.

  • The Flu for Teens

    Every flu season, millions of people across the United States come down with the flu. Get the facts on the flu, including how to avoid it.

  • What's an Asthma Action Plan? for Parents

    Find out how this written plan can help you care for your child with asthma.

  • Smoking and Asthma for Teens

    Smoking is a bad idea, especially for people with asthma. Here's why.

  • What Babysitters Need to Know About Safety for Teens

    The most important part of babysitting is keeping kids safe. Here are some things to know.

  • School and Asthma for Teens

    Lots of teens have asthma. Here are tips on keeping it under control so you can prevent (or manage) a flare-up at school.

  • How to Handle Asthma Flare-Ups for Parents

    During a flare-up or attack, it's hard to breathe. While some flare-ups are mild, others can be life threatening, so it's important to deal with them right away.

  • How Do Asthma Medicines Work? for Kids

    Kids who have asthma need to take medicine. But what kind of medicine do they take and what does it do? Let's find out.

  • How Do Asthma Medicines Work? for Teens

    Two different types of medicines are used to treat asthma. Read about how they work, and why people might need to take them.