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You searched for: asthma-home
  • A to Z Symptom: Cough for Parents

    Coughing is a symptom, not a disease, and sometimes can help clear the airway.

  • Coughing for Parents

    Coughs are a common symptom, but most aren't a sign of a serious condition. Learn about different coughs, how to help your child feel better, and when to call your doctor.

  • Dealing With Triggers: Cockroaches for Parents

    Find out how to limit exposure to cockroaches if they make your child's asthma or allergies worse.

  • Croup for Parents

    Croup often causes kids to have a loud cough that sounds like a seal barking. Most cases of croup are caused by viruses, are mild, and can be treated at home.

  • Asthma for Teens

    Asthma is a lung condition that makes it hard to breathe. Learn all about asthma here.

  • Overweight and Obesity for Parents

    Preventing kids from becoming overweight means making choices in the way your family eats and exercises, and how you spend time together.

  • What Is Asthma? for Parents

    Asthma makes it hard to breathe. But with treatment, the condition can be managed so that kids can still do the things they love. Learn all about asthma.

  • Dealing With Triggers: Dust Mites for Parents

    If dust mites make your child's asthma or allergies worse, here's how to limit exposure to them.

  • All About the Flu (Influenza) for Parents

    Flu symptoms tend to come on quickly and are worse than the sneezing and stuffiness of a cold. The flu is very contagious. Find out what to do.

  • Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) for Parents

    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a major cause of respiratory illness in young children. Learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of this contagious infection.